Friday 19 July 2013


We were so surprised and grateful to be nominated for the 'Very Inspiring Blogger Award' by Louise, from 'Lou Lou's Beauty & Fashion Fix.' Neither of us had heard or seen anything about this award before so it was even more of a shock to actually be nominated. We've now looked it up and it seems really popular among lots of different types of blogs in the blogging community, which is really cool. So, thank you so much to Louise and definitely go and check out her great and inspiring blog! 

The rules for this award are:
  •   Display the award logo on your blog.
  •   Link back to the person who nominated you.
  •   Share 7 facts about yourself.
  •   Nominate 10 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
  •   Notify these bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.
Louise didn't include the 7 facts part and neither did her nominator, however, other posts that we read did and we thought we'd give it a go!

Our 7 facts about ourselves:
  1.  We really want to do as much as possible in life We find it really inspiring when we see other people achieving their goals and experiencing so many great things in life and we really want to do the same.  
  2. We  were are avid Mary-Kate and Ashley fans We had all of the films on video and then bought them all again on DVD, bought clothes from their clothing line, had the dolls, 100's of books, had the pc and playsation games, anything MK & A, we had it. Obviously we don't still watch the films or play the PS2 game now... Okay, we only sometimes do... 
  3.  We repeatedly watch TV series over and over again We've even managed to wear out some of The OC dvd's, as we've watched them so much. Our favourites are, The OC, One Tree Hill, Desperate Housewives, Dexter(Hannah only)!... 
  4.  We have a weakness for Dominoes but we're working on it - honestly. We're actually doing pretty well and haven't had it for well over a month.    
  5.   We plan to set up a business and become millionaires by the time Hannah's 30. We're just not sure what we're going to do yet or how we'll do it. 
  6.   We plan on going travelling in a few years especially America, but also Australia, New Zealand and where ever else we decide. 
  7. We've always attracted the weirdest behaving pets This could be due to the unusual character names that we give them (Bam-Bam and Pebbles, Aragon and Arwen for example), but we're starting to take the strange behaviour of our animals over the years very personally!   
We nominate:


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